Sadly the program is coming to an end. It's amazing how fast two weeks have gone by. On Friday, we had our last site visit. We visited Phoenix Care Center (PCC); a public sector mental health facility. With seeing this facility, we really had come full circle because at the beginning of the trip we saw a private sector center and now we had the chance to see a public sector center. It was interesting to see the differences in a public and a private facility. There were many things that were very similar and things that were different. They are similar in the fact that it is patients first, but they differ in their set ups. In St. Pats hospital, they had wings with all the beds together with only a few private rooms, but in PCC, all of the rooms we saw were private. They are similar in the fact that they have grounds that the service users can help maintain. They differ in the fact that St. Pats doesn’t use restraints at all, while PCC uses them only emergencies. Another way they di...